Tag Archives: entertainment

Pandemic, Patreon, Soundcloud

So it’s been months since the last update here and, obviously, a ton has happened in the world since that time. On the off chance this website/these updates still reach folks, I thought I’d share a little bit of what’s been going on with me personally since the coronavirus started wreaking havoc on the US back in March.

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Tragedy + Comedy = Time for a two-sided distraction

I’ve been performing, either drums or stand-up comedy, fairly nonstop since 2001. I haven’t made a “living” at either, always tethered to a “real job” to make ends meet and, in fact, fuel keeping the show on the road, so to speak, paying for rehearsal spaces, drum sticks, drum heads, actual, literal fuel, more alcohol than probably necessary.

It’s been an irregular ride, with dry spells of nearly no performing punctuated by multiple days, weeks, months on the road. But I’ve been out frequently enough to have sometimes been out when tragedy strikes and forced to deal with it however necessary to get through the day, and then get through a show.

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